Photography tour 5 days – Ecuador
Chocó Andino and Mindo in Ecuador are well-known birdwatching and bird photography destinations due to their rich biodiversity. The Chocó Andino region, a mountainous area covered by humid forests, hosts many endemic and rare bird species such as the Chocó Vireo, Black Solitaire, Toucan Barbet and Chocó Trogón. The Mashpi Reserve and the Milpe Bird Sanctuary are excellent places for birdwatching and hummingbird photography in Chocó Andino. The Mashpi Reserve, a private nature reserve, is home to over 500 bird species, while the Milpe Bird Sanctuary has more than 350 bird species, with several hummingbird species that can be seen and photographed. The sanctuaries have hummingbird feeders set up, which attract many hummingbirds, providing great opportunities for bird photography. Additionally, the Mashpi Reserve has bird blinds set up, and it offers guided bird photography tours.