Masked Trogon

Trogon personatus

The Masked Trogon is a red-bellied trogon that can be found in subtropical forests. Male Masked Trogons have iridescent green on their breast, head, and back, while females are brown. This bird is called “masked” due to the dark mask that is usually noticeable, especially on females. It is similar to the Collared Trogon but is found at higher elevations and has very little overlap. To distinguish between the two species, look at the tail pattern on male Masked Trogons, which has large white tips on the underside of the tail feathers and is otherwise dark with fine white barring. On females, look for evenly barred undertail with large white tips combined with a contrasting black face. This bird is usually seen alone or in pairs, perched quietly in the understory to the subcanopy. Listen for a slow series of 3-6 descending whistles. You can spot it on our tours in the Manu National Park.

Photo: Alfredo Cornejo