Moustached Antpitta
Moustached Antpitta

Moustached Antpitta

Grallaria alleni

This is a description of a medium-sized antpitta with a plump and short-tailed body, long legs, and a grayish crown. The Moustached Antpitta is mostly brown with a brighter cinnamon belly and a white mustache stripe on the face. It is similar to the Scaled Antpitta but has a less pronounced scaly pattern on the upperparts and a slower, higher-pitched song without a stutter in the middle. It is a rare and local species found in mossy cloud forests at higher elevations in the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador, typically staying hidden in the dense understory and occasionally appearing on forest trails at dawn or dusk.

This species can be observed during our bird photography trips in Chocó Andino in Ecuador.