Have you ever seen the cock of the rocks? The adult male is magnificent and unmistakable, whereas the young male and the female are brown. Both are identified mainly by their size, their strange silhouette and their light eyes. If you are planning to take a birding tour and would like to know more about them, continue reading to discover where this species can be found.
Where can the cock of the rocks be found in Peru?
The cocks of the rocks in Peru are mainly found in lowland rainforest, near rock formations where they find their nesting sites. They are often seen flying over small streams, but they are usually difficult to observe except at mating sites.
They can be located especially in protected natural areas such as the National Parks of:
- Tingo María (Huánuco)
- Río Abiseo (Cusco and Madre de Dios)
- Yanachaga-Chemillén (Pasco)
- Bahuaja-Sonene (Madre de Dios and Puno)
- Cordillera Azul (Huánuco, Loreto, San Martín and Ucayali)
- Otishi (Cusco and Junín)
- Alto Purús (Madre de Dios and Ucayali)
- Ichigkat Muja – Cordillera del Cóndor (Amazonas)
- Güeppí-Sekime (Loreto)
- Sierra del Divisor (Loreto and Ucayali)
- Manu National Park (Madre de Dios)
Peru’s national bird can also be seen in the National Sanctuaries of:
- The Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu (Cusco)
- The Udima Cloud Forest Wildlife Refuge (Cajamarca)
- The Yánesha Communal Reserve (Pasco)
- The Sira Communal Reserve (Huánuco, Pasco and Ucayali)
- Amarakaeri (Madre de Dios)
- Asháninka (Cusco and Junín)
- Machiguenga (Cusco and Junín)
- Purús (Madre de Dios and Ucayali)
- Tuntanain and Chayu Nain (Amazonas)
Finally, they live in protected forests such as:
- Alto Mayo (San Martín)
- Pui Pui (Junín)
- San Matías-San Carlos (Pasco)
- Zonas Reservadas Sierra del Divisor (Loreto)
- Río Nieva (Amazonas)
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The cock of the rocks is a beautiful bird, adorned with an amazing orange plumage and a spectacular crest.

The male adult has a bright orange plumage in general. The wings are black. Primaries show a large whitish speculum, while secondaries are wide and show long stripes or silky filaments on the inside of the feathers. The tail is blackish with tips ranging from light orange to suede. We can see the same pattern on the back and rump.
The head is also bright orange, with a striking crest. Two rows of feathers flattened one against the other form a perfect semicircle. The crest is permanently erect and covers the base of the beak. This is powerful, slightly hook-shaped at its end, and yellow with an orange base. The eyes are orange. The legs and feet are yellowish orange.

The female adult is quite different. They have a blackish brown plumage, more gray on the head. Secondaries are slightly discolored. The abdomen is more polished. The rump has an ochre brown color. On the head, the crest is smaller than male cocks of the rocks. The eyes are opaque orange. The beak is blackish with a yellow tip. The legs and feet are brown.
Immature female cocks of the rocks resemble adults. The immature male is also similar to the adult female, but every year they present some orange spots. At two years, the plumage is mainly orange, slightly tinged brown. They get the full adult plumage at age three.
Cocks of the rocks have a predominantly frugivorous diet: although 65 species enter the diet of these birds, it seems to be based on at least three-quarters of red and black fruits. They eat only the pulp of the fruit, which is collected and eaten in flight, without digesting the seed, which is regurgitated whole or expelled with feces.
The cock of the rocks is quite common in its range. This species needs rocky areas to nest, and this may limit their settlement in an area. However, these birds are present in the protected areas of several countries of geographical distribution, so the species is not currently in danger. The cock of the rocks is one of the most famous species of neotropical birds, symbol of South American avifauna.
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The cock of the rocks emits several rough and sonorous notes in their habitat, creating a kind of quite confusing chorus. During the displays, as they fly, they emit a harsh “karhaoouw”, but also a series of unpleasant noises against other males, like the ringing of beaks. The wings also produce a low whistle during flight. When the bird is feeding, we can hear a sharp “waa-oww”.
Now you know the habitat of the cock of the rocks: they live in the Amazon region of Peru. If you are planning to take a birdwatching tour in our country, you should definitely photograph these beautiful creatures in places, such as Machu Picchu and the Manu National Park in Cusco. We hope this information has been useful to you!
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